Monday, September 28, 2009


Hello and welcome to the first entry of my blog. You will find that reading this will be a complete waste of time, and you will walk away having learned very little from the time invested in translating the words on your screen into thoughts of your own. My thoughts, like the thoughts of most others are completely irrelevant to anything that you may or may not be experiencing in your life, but if you are still reading, you feel compelled to do so, in which case, I sincerely hope that you take something away from what I am signing up to do...

And what might that be?

I intend to tell the stories of my life as I remember them. I am not saying that all of the details from this moment on are entirely accurate, I am just saying that they are and will be depicted as I remember and/or choose to remember.

And thus I conclude my first entry, and hope that you will read my next.


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